Pushing you to unlock your business potential.

How we can help

External expertise that takes you further, faster.

Say Goodbye to confusing accounting and Hello to insight. We’ll dive into the heart of your business to deliver clarity and confidence. Having worked with hundreds of businesses to optimise their financial position we know what it takes to move the needle.

Your Sidekick

When it comes to the financial success of your business, knowledge is power. But, all too often, financial data is presented in a way that requires a degree in numbers to understand and a PHD to act on. This leads to confusion and inaction.

We want to show you the financial health of your business in real time, ensure that you understand the future impact of today’s decisions, and instil the confidence you need to make the big moves that take your business to the next level.

That's the power of great accounting. It’s about having predictability, confidence, and insight to make the right decisions at the right time so that you can Make More and Keep More.

If you’re like most of our clients, you want to focus on what you do best, knowing the numbers are taken care of.

Every hero needs a Sidekick.

Image showing 3 creative business people looking at a document
Two people drinking coffee with their laptops in front of them laughing

Make More Keep More

We’ve explored the inner workings of hundreds of businesses, uncovering the secrets that set the top performers apart. We took these findings and developed our Make More Keep More accounting approach.

Our solution will unlock the power behind your numbers, giving you the insight you need to run a profitable and sustainable business.

Join the ranks of the most successful businesses out there and unlock your financial potential with Sidekick.

Find out where you're leaving money on the table

95% of business owners in the UK are overpaying taxes. The chances are, so are you!